Monday, October 3, 2011

Insert clever title here!

I know when most people start a blog, it starts off very "This is me, this is why I'm blogging" and blah blah blah. But I figure two things: first of all, yawn, am I right? And second of all, this early in a blog's life the only people reading it are people who already know me. So that would make an "About Me" thing like.... even more boring.

And so, instead, I'm going to talk about a subject that should get most everyone's attention:
Porn Star Gavin Waters

What, you didn't really notice his? They're there. Everyone has them -- boys, girls, etc. We all now why girls have them but most people just sort of accept that men have them too, and some men like to play with them but otherwise there's not a real purpose.
The purpose of nipples it dangle shiny things from! Right?
As it turns out, nipples are important on men because.... well, we're not really sure. I've heard a couple of theories -- one is that nipples are like brains and lungs and everyone gets them regardless of their sex.  I've also heard that when we are in the early parts of fetal development, we're both male and female -- in other words, we're given *all* of the parts we might potentially get before our body's development and then later the sex chromosomes kick in and say "Hey, get outta here girly bits!" (I'm simplifying this a lot.)

Interestingly enough, this sort of makes us all transgender. And it means that men who are effeminate are really just staying close to their roots.
Viral sensation Craigery Morgan
And it's true that once you've covered that there's not really a lot going on to talk about that's of any interest, so you're probably thinking "This was all a clever excuse to post picture of hot men!"

Why, yes, yes it was.

Not gonna lie, I only used one source for the information on this post: The Straight Dope. All the pictures game from Google Image Search -- obviously I don't own any of them. If I knew people this hot, do you think I'd be blogging?!

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