Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All the News

I'm terrible at keeping up with blogs.

Lots of things have been happening, and I haven't even shared some of the vlogs I've made on here to keep you all up to date. Where do I begin?!
Jesse Jordan, from Bravo's old show Workout, is following me on Twitter!'s not especially relevant but who am I to miss an opportunity to show a picture of an amazingly gorgeous guy?

I got cast in a play, which goes up at the end of this month. Been working very hard on it, and I'll be making its own blog post about it soon! I'm very excited although....

Two weeks ago, my Crohn's disease flared up. It hasn't been as bad as my first flare up, which ended six years ago. I have to admit, as an adult who is supposed to be taking care of myself? It is much harder to deal with this time around, even if it isn't as bad. Fortunately, I live with my parents. I could not be managing right now at all without them.

Although moving hurts incredibly, and being jostled around in a car is about the most uncomfortable thing in the world, I am still going to my rehearsals. I love acting too much to let something stupid like my health and well being get in the way. With any sort of luck, next week I will be back to work for a couple of short shifts as well.... because I am bored out of my damn mind, even with playing video games like WoW.

My mom is super busy because her first book is being re-released as an e-book on May 15 -- coincidentally the same day Diablo III is coming out. They're not connected, but I'll confess that's how I'm remembering the release date for mom's book.
You should all go pre-order it from Amazon right now. And while you're there hit the "like" button!

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